Site Visit

Why a Site Visit?

A site visit allows our designer to travel to your location to get an overall feel for how your treehouse will fit among the trees. Being able to see and measure the trees and walk the location of the future treehouse is a vital step in the process.


We look forward to visiting your site wherever it is located. We have traveled from Costa Rica to Maine to Hawaii and many places in between.


When “Site Visit Day” Arrives, our expert treehouse designer will:

  • Access the site
  • Help you pick the perfect treehouse location
  • Select the trees
  • Map out the treehouse footprint
  • Discuss you dream features and brainstorm the perfect design


Several weeks after the site visit, we will deliver a personalized conceptual drawing (artistic rendering of what your treehouse will look like)

Note: Conceptual drawings are not working drawings.

Site Visit Rates

Depending on where you are located, site visits in the Continental United States start at $3,500. These rates include one day at the site, as mentioned above. Included in this price is an allowance for one revision. After that, a charge will be applied for more revisions. These prices do not include travel and lodging due to the unknown distance needed to travel. We will provide a total price for the site visit including travel and lodging before scheduling with you. If your site is outside of the United States we will provide a rate based on your location.

Some of the larger scale treehouses or multiple treehouses may require a two day visit.

What’s next? Visit our Design page

Design and build treehouses by The Tree House Guys
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